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British Broadcasting Corporation Home. If you were born in the early nineteenth century, you were in for a big surprise: bythe world you had grown up in was gone for good.
How had the enthusiasm for speed transformed the Victorians' world? It's all there in popular fiction. From Jane Austen in the s, via Charles Dickens' pictures of mid century London life, to HG Wells' Time Machine inthe world of literature moved from comedies of country manners to blistering portraits of urban poverty and, speed dating film, time travel.
Not bad for odd years. Although the Industrial Revolution had already begun, Britain in had changed little in centuries. It was a rural country, speed dating film by agriculture. For most, speed dating film, the world was restricted to their village - where their family had probably lived for generations - and the nearest market town, not surprising when the fastest thing on earth was a galloping horse, covering miles a day speed dating film best. If you lived in Somerset, London was almost foreign, much as it had been in You wouldn't even have been using the same time - with the sun rising around ten minutes later than in London, Bristol clocks ran ten minutes behind.
Horizons were limited and life was slow, speed dating film. It was horsepower or nothing, and daylight and the seasons speed dating film the countryside. But all that was about to change. Although the steam engine was first invented in by James Watt, speed dating film, for decades his monopoly had prevented significant development and kept prices high.
It was only in the nineteenth century that the real impact of steam would be fully felt. And what an impact. Steam changed everything. It was faster, more powerful, and could work independently of natural power sources, such as water. Traction engines saw fields ploughed twenty times faster than before, speed dating film, and factories could be anywhere. They chose towns and cities. At a time of massive population expansion in Britain from 9 million in to 36 million incities were expanding even faster.
Once islands in a sea of fields, needing the agricultural economy to sustain them, they forged ahead as farmworkers made redundant by steam migrated to the nearest town to find work. Manchester and Sheffield quadrupled between andspeed dating film, Bradford and Glasgow speed dating film eightfold. Cities were the masters now. Liverpool - Manchester railway, © Although migration itself was not new, it had been difficult and correspondingly rare.
The birth of the steam locomotive and the railway networks made it easier and more commonplace. In the Stockton and Darlington Railway opened, followed by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway five years later. The age of the railway had begun, reducing transport times, lowering transport costs, consuming raw materials and stimulating investment. The s saw 'railway mania': by 6, miles of track had been laid. Soon it was possible to travel from London to Bristol in hours rather than days at speeds of around 60 mph.
But what did this actually mean? Reduced travel times inevitably shrank the country and widened horizons from local to national. The old days of local time as in Bristol jarred with railways that crossed the country and ran to a national timetable, and in the rail companies successfully lobbied Parliament to abolish it.
The edges of Britain were joining up with the centres - the cities. The spread of railways stimulated communication, and Rowland Hill's standardisation of postal charges in saw a boom in mail services. But this was nothing compared to the revolution of the telegraph. If you think the internet is big and given you're reading this online the chances are you do then just imagine how much bigger it would seem if you had never before seen a computer or telephone.
That's what the telegraph was to the Victorians. If rail travel shrank the country, the telegraph crushed it. It opened in the s and soon went stratospheric - within ten years exchanging telegrams had become part of everyday life. By the mid s London was connected with New York and ten years later messages could be exchanged between London and Bombay speed dating film minutes.
This had vast implications for business and communication. The telegraph marked the start of truly global markets and news, speed dating film. It marked an irreversible acceleration in the pace of commercial and everyday life, speed dating film. New mass communication via the telegraph, speed dating film, newspapers and - from - the telephone meant that the rate of change accelerated further.
New inventions, like the X-ray incould be flashed around the globe in days. The age of media frenzy had arrived. A confectionery factory © The Victorians had become addicted to speed and, like all speed crazy kids, they wanted to go ever faster. Time was money and efficiency became increasingly important. Although division of labour had been conceived by Adam Smith and illustrated by a pin factory in The Wealth of Nations init could now become fully realised.
This specialisation and - by implication - individualisation of labour was in marked contrast to the rural means of production, in which the family was the means of production, consumption and socialisation. With greater speed came a greater need speed dating film industries and businesses to make more and make it quicker, speed dating film.
Steam made this possible and changed working life forever. Gone were the days when work was dictated by natural forces: steam engines were servant to neither season nor sunshine.
Factories had foremen and life became correspondingly more regimented. The clocking-on machine was invented in and time and motion studies to increase efficiency would be introduced only some twenty years later. But it was not all bad news. Agricultural incomes depended on variable harvests and weather. Factories provided secure and predictable income, but long hours.
Working life was becoming increasingly regulated, and the working week was reorganised to promote ever-greater efficiency. The old custom of St. Monday - speed dating film no work was done - was gradually phased out and to compensate, work stopped around midday on Saturday and did not resume until Monday morning. A new division between speed dating film and 'leisure' emerged, and this new block of weekend leisure time coincided with the development of spectator sports like cricket and football, and the rise of music hall entertainment for the new working classes.
New loyalties were needed to fill some of the vacuum caused by the demise of close-knit rural communities, and they didn't come from the church. Many of the middle class itself a new term dating only from became concerned about the godlessness speed dating film the working classes when it emerged that only 50 per cent of the eligible population attended a church service on Census Sunday in But if the Anglican Church was seen to be losing the working classes, Methodism was increasingly popular.
It fitted the ethos of the age. Commerce and business brought a new spirit of self-help, popularised in the book of the same name by Speed dating film Smiles, with the opening line, 'Heaven helps those who help themselves'. Methodism stressed hard work and self-discipline, and this sentiment was reflected in the rise of evening classes for the working classes, speed dating film. The modern world was opening up new opportunities for those who would work hard enough to take them, speed dating film.
A new breed of self-made man - never a woman - had emerged. Proud of his accomplishments, these nineteenth century yuppies encapsulated the spirit of this cut-throat capitalism, sitting at their desks, twanging their braces and figuring out how to make more moolah, speed dating film. This spirit of competition extended even as far as science. Charles Darwin's Origin of Species described the theory of natural selection, or the speed dating film of the fittest: the ultimate rat race.
The nineteenth century was a world of free markets, free trade and laissez-faire government, with all moves towards paternalism - in areas such as public health and poor laws - fiercely resisted. It was every man for himself. Meanwhile, the countryside was attracting ever less interest.
The Corn Laws spelled out the shifting balance of power. Passed in to fix the price of corn and protect the interests of the agriculturists that then dominated Parliament, they were repealed only 31 years later, against bitter protest from landowners and loud applause from industrialists. Farmers were passé: everything that was anything was urban. Punch magazine's comic stereotypes caricaturing agricultural labourers speed dating film backward yokels in smocks and chewing straws flourished in the s and live on to this day.
So what happened to our child of ? Raised in a slow, rural life, he probably migrated to the city, leaving behind his old cosy community to start afresh on his own. Working in a factory, he would have been on his own: if lucky and diligent, he might have made a comfortable living. But every decade would have seen ground breakingly new inventions and the pace of life pick up: he might have travelled on trains and exchanged telegrams before he died.
What is certain is that the world must have seemed ever smaller, while spinning ever faster. Bruce Robinson is a professional journalist who graduated with a first class degree in History from Cambridge University, specialising in English Social, Political and Economic History from to Search speed dating film. BBC © The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.
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· Rural life. It's all there in popular fiction. From Jane Austen in the s, via Charles Dickens' pictures of mid century London life, to HG Wells' Time Machine in , the world of literature · This website contains information, links, images and videos of sexually explicit material (collectively, the "Sexually Explicit Material"). Do NOT continue if: (i) you are not at least 18 years of age or the age of majority in each and every jurisdiction in which you will or may view the Sexually Explicit Material, whichever is higher (the "Age of Majority"), (ii) such material offends you, or This webcam Cap d'Agde with the theme Harbors was added on October 30, and is operated by blogger.com got visitors since then. If this camera doesn't work or should the link be wrong please report that blogger.com can add this webcam here to myCams
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